Tuesday, 7 May 2013

F*** It, It's $4k.... Lets Go

It wasn't long ago that I was sitting on over $10k in my Stars account. I was building it up slowly but surely. Unfortunately due to a few real life issues I cashed out a lot of it. The picture is now:

I now have just under $4k and have basically written this money off in the sense that if I lose it all its ok. I have always exercised solid bankroll management and have never gone the aggressive route. That is going to change and I am going to be taking lots of shots as I move my roll up. Watch this space....


  1. hey buddy gl keep a lvl head !! you also got 70k vpps that worth another g :)

  2. Cheers Guys!! Its time to leave the comfort zone..!!

  3. thats what I say all the time .. then open a beer and sit in, in my microstakes comfort zone, sigh

    but gl tho' !!

  4. :) haha, sounds familiar. Lost $400 soon after taking that screen shot

  5. facepalm for actually looking at results :P just play a month without looking..

  6. So many people talk about not checking results but I don't buy it. If you don't tilt then its not an issue. I play the same whether I'm up or down and check my HEM every 20mins or so. I will always check my results everyday :p

  7. its not about tilting, its about not caring what happens, results are totally wayne... you just play from hand to hand the best you can.

  8. It can be a tilt problem as some people who get frustrated when they are down play worse when chasing losses as they are trying harder and not playing optimally. They would definitely benefit from not checking results. I'm not one them and just try to play my best poker in every single hand with the known and unknown information.

    I like to know how well I did in a session, a day, a month etc

  9. GL Rosh! You play as many hands in a day as the people this advice is for play in a month, it would be like you checking your results every 15 minutes.

  10. Haha, I still wish I hit 250k hands a month

  11. Rosh it's time to go big or go home! oh snap...you're already home...than it's time to go big!

  12. I'm gonna take inspiration from u Sir..!!


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